Terminology Server: The Learnathon
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16 May 2024
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National Terminology Service Learnathon – 16th May 09:30 am to 1:00 pm
What we hope you will get from attending:
An appreciation of the value of, need for, and opportunity to transform the way terminology is used across the NHS.
A boot camp on the basics of FHIR terminology APIs and how they massively reduce the barriers to adoption of rich terminologies such as SNOMED (and unlock their power and value) regardless of whether you are using FHIR/openEHR/OMOP/Custom data models.
An introduction to the (relatively) new FHIR Questionnaire resource and emerging surrounding infrastructure. We unpack its somewhat terse data model, compare it to commonly held notions of forms, walk through the creation of Form designs, animate a form design and show how these designs can access terminology resources.
An understanding of how the National Terminology Service can help improve the accuracy, consistency and quality of the data collected by systems (potentially reducing the amount of duplicate collection) as well as enhancing the usability of systems/forms. Covering form structure, FHIR Questionnaires, SMART on FHIR and terminology-powered forms.
A background in how standardised FHIR terminology artefacts can be applied to backend integration/interoperability use cases and some practical examples of how to accelerate the building/sharing of maps/translations/bindings using the National Terminology Service tools.
An opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, get help and connect with a community trying to unlock the potential of improved data.