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Playing an important validation role of national strategic interoperability needs

Who are INTEROPen?

INTEROPen is an open collaboration of individuals, industry, standards organisations, and health and care providers who have agreed to work together to accelerate the development of open standards for interoperability in the health and social care sector.


A Statement From INTEROPen

INTEROPen condemns the racist and misogynist remarks made by Frank Hester, CEO and owner of software company TPP. Racism, misogyny and other forms of discrimination have no place within the digital health and care community. INTEROPen has signed the Equity Charter and encourages all individuals and organisations to sign it too. You can find the link to this in our news item by clicking the link below.



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You can get in touch directly through our contact page, or find us on social media.

Alternatively, why not come along to one of our events? We host regular Learnathons and Hackathons where our members come together to collaborate on an inspiring range of topics which directly benefit the healthcare sector.