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Medications: The Learnathon


This event is in the past

Key event information


05 October 2022

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This event is in the past

Join us for a day of updates, demos, and Masterclasses supported by NHS England's Digital and Interoperable Medicines Programme. Sessions will focus on developing communication between health and social care systems to support the flow of medications information to improve patient safety.

Intended as a precursor to INTEROPen's fifth Medications Interoperability Hackathon, this event will provide insights from the Digital and Interoperable Medicines Programme and updates on key developments since the last INTEROPen Medications Learnathon, in September 2021.

This Learnathon will provide important preparation for developers wishing to take part in our Digital and Interoperable Medicines Hackathon taking place on 18 & 19 October 2022 (tickets and details to be published shortly).

For a taste of previous INTEROPen Learnathon sessions and, in particular, Medications Masterclasses, visit our YouTube channel.


The event is designed to support Interoperable Medicines Standards, the creation of a patient-centred consolidated medication record, and the seamless movement of patient medication information between care providers including primary and secondary care, ambulance, and social care.

Sessions will cover key updates from the Digital and Interoperable Medicines Programme, including developments to the Electronic Prescription Service, Support from the Programme, enhancements to UK Medications Terminology Products, the Terminology Server, and benefits work on Interoperability.

At the October Hackathon, developers will be invited to collaborate to construct a single, shared, consolidated view of a patient’s medication record in order to improve the safety and efficiency of the drug prescribing and administration process.


The Learnathon will cover the following key themes:

• Developments to the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

• Enhancements to UK Medications Terminology Products

• News on the Terminology Server

• Trust and user engagement

• Launch date for ePrescribing Risk and Safety Evaluation

• Benefits work on interoperability.

A full agenda for the day can be found here. Sessions will be hosted by leaders representing a range of perspectives, including policy, suppliers, and developers. The more technical sessions will invite participation from the delegates to help inform the Programme direction.


Implementation leads, software engineers, developers, product support analysts, implementation consultants, interface managers, product owners, clinical informaticians, and those in similar roles who are interested and able to contribute to the development of solutions. We also encourage participation by those with insights from the frontline, so clinicians, carers and other providers who would like to get involved.


In keeping with INTEROPen values, all interested parties are invited to take part in planning calls which take place every Thursday at 8 am. Zoom details are available in the Medication Hackathon forum on Ryver - INTEROPen's collaboration platform**, where you will also find resources, including masterclass links, from our previous Medications Interoperability Hackathons.

These planning calls aim to set out the scope and agenda for the Hackathon, and to provide participants with the information to commence their architectural plans.

All conversations, technical preparations, and updates relating to this event will be shared in the related topic in the Medications Hackathon Forum on Ryver*


*Ryver is the INTEROPen community's collaboration platform. To access Ryver, you will need to be a member of INTEROPen (to ensure GDPR compliance). To become a member, please complete the online joining form.

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